Introducing the latest technology for inspecting Polyethylene pipe (PE) and fittings using X-Ray technology. After years of research and development, World Wide NDT is at the forefront of third-party inspections. This cutting-edge technology establishes essential quality control checks for fusion technicians, ensuring that operators of natural gas systems have a safe and reliable product ready for service. Just as steel pipelines are inspected, X-Ray technology can now be used to verify the integrity of your PE lines before gas is introduced into the system. Even if only a small percentage of your projects undergo X-Ray inspection, you can be confident that the fusion process was completed correctly with a clear view from the inside.
Let World Wide Nondestructive Testing (WWNDT) demonstrate how PE X-Ray technology can enhance your systems and record-keeping. Please feel free to contact us for examples, questions, or demonstrations. We look forward to hearing from you and collaborating with your construction professionals.